Worth Words

Photos of Life's Details

222 Words on Life’s Struggles

I took this photo the other day standing in the middle of the Ballard Bridge as it was going up.  I was headed back to my house with some friends and the bidge put a wrinkle in our plans… so I took adtvantage of the situation and took a photo of it.

Roads symbolize the journey of life.  Lately life has had its struggles; family things, stress, working (probably) too much, and the stresses of school.  All hang-ups on the journey of life.  The bridge going up in front of me the other day made me think the hang-ups, the pauses, the struggles we all go through in life.  They’re the bridge that goes up in front of you, knocking your plans off track.

But the beauty of the bridge is that it goes back down, right back to where it started.  The same sort of thing often happens with life struggles.  We encounter something unexpected and it rocks our world, but with stead-fast faith and a level head, things to back to normal.  Trust in the bridge going back down.  Trust in God, it made me think.

Probably border-line too deep for a bridge.  But it did make me think.  Things will be ok, just as a drawbridge tears a road apart, and then puts it back together.

Have you encountered bridges in your life lately?

June 9, 2010 Posted by | Uncategorized | 1 Comment